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Face Fit Testing Training

The legal frame work for users of close-fitting Personal Respiratory Protection Equipment to be Face Fit Trained and Tested is laid down in –

  • The Health & Safety At Work Act 1974
  • The COSHH Regulations 2002
  • PPE At Work Regulation 1992
  • HSG 53
  • INDG 473
  • Fit2Fit Companions

All Employers have a duty to comply with this legal frame work as applicable to their employees use of Respiratory Protection Equipment.

Our Service

This service is limited to the testing and training of close-fitting reusable, close-fitting half masks (Personal Respiratory Protection) only, this being governed by the approved ‘Qualitive Testing’ method which we use.

Examples of Respiratory Protection which we can provide the service for –

Full Face Respiratory Equipment

Note: Full Face Respiratory Protection requires the ‘Quantitative Testing’ method of testing – unfortunately we do not offer this method of testing.

Competence of Our Face Fit Testing Team

Competency is a key factor of persons carrying out this test and this should be considered prior to appointing a provider; as per the INDG479 competency can be demonstrated by attending and passing an accredited Fit2Fit Training Scheme as provided by an approved provider.

Our team have met the HSE requirements for competency by attended and passing the ‘Fit2Fit’ approved scheme and put their training into practice.

Our Face Fit Testing Service Covers

The training of the User on:

  • Pre-use Checks – identifying damage, faults and seal integrity
  • Maintenance & Storage Requirements
  • The correct Fitting – how to use
  • Testing of the Personal Respiratory Protection Fit – per user

On the completion of the testing the Employer or yourself will be given a certificate which will states if the user has passed or failed Face Fit Testing*1, this for your records.

*1Note: Face Fit Testing is only valid for the Mask type which has been tested and not any other types of masks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Face Fit Testing?

Face Fit Testing is the process of ensuring respiratory protection equipment is safe to use in certain workplace environments. There are two types of face fit tests to consider: qualitative and quantitative. While the quantitative Face Fit exam evaluates particle counts, the qualitative form of the test refers to the taste test of your respiratory equipment.

If your employer requires you to wear respiratory protection, like it does in most construction-related industries and working situations, you should consider scheduling your Face Fit test right away.

How often should Face Fit Testing be done?

It is recommended that users be tested annually, (every 12 to 36 months) or sooner if their facial features change or other factors change etc.

Is Face Fit Testing a legal requirement?

Face fit testing is a legal requirement if your job requires you to wear a close-fitting mask (Respiratory Protection Mask). Currently we can provide face fit testing for close-fitting reusable masks and close-fitting half masks – please see above for more information or give us a call.

Should Face Fit Testing be carried out more than once?

Yes. The HSE recommends that face fit testing should be carried out at least annually or more frequently if a person’s circumstances take place, such as –

  • Substantial weight loss or gain
  • Substantial dental work
  • Any facial changes (scars, moles, effects of ageing etc) around the face seal area
  • Facial piercings
  • Introduction or change in other head-worn personal protective equipment (PPE etc) which may interfere with the seal of the mask
  • Or any other type of changes which may affect the mask seal

Once Face Fit Tested, does this cover me for all masks?

No – the test is specific to the type of mask which you have been tested on; if you change masks i.e. use a different type of close-fitting mask you will need to be tested on that specific mask.

Who provides the make for Face Fit Testing and Training?

It is the responsibility of the employer/person attending to provide their own mask. We do not provide masks as we do not know what type/standard of mask is suitable for the type of work undertaken, and the test results are specific to the type of mask used at the time of testing.

Note: On booking you will be asked to provide the details of the mask used in your work environment, as this will be used for certification of testing & training.

Do I need to be Face Fit Tested for wearing a face covering?

No – Face Fit Testing & Training is only required for Respiratory Protection Mask i.e. PPE – see above for examples of what we can provide the service for.

Can I be tested if I have a beard or stubble?

‘No’, as these types of masks rely on a facial seal.

Is the test suitable for all facial shapes, sizes and features?

There are limitations to this but generally this is not an issue.

If I have a medical condition will I be able to be Face Fit Tested?

This is dependent on the medical condition as the test involve the inhalation of Bittrex (0.17% saccharin solution). We recommend that you seek medical guidance if you have any concerns prior to being Face Fit Tested.

Can I be tested whilst wearing makeup?

As the test relies on a facial seal this may affect the seal depending on how heavy the makeup is, please consider.

Once tested does this cover other types of Respiratory Protection?

‘No’, the test is specific to the type of respiratory protection which the user was tested on, this being recorded on the test certificate issued.

How long do I have to keep records of Face Fit Testing for?

Employers should keep records of Face Fit Testing for 40-years and records of mask maintenance for a minimum of 5-years.

How much does Face Fit testing cost?

Our face fit testing service costs from £47.50 + VAT per person/employee for a single purchase, however bulk discounts are available for group bookings. Please feel free to give use a call for a no obligation chat regarding your requirements – 01623 753 654. 

At Our Venue - Mansfield

This service is limited to the testing and training of close-fitting reusable, close-fitting half masks (Personal Respiratory Protection) only, this being governed by the approved ‘Qualitive Testing’ method which we use.

On payment we will contact you to take your details and arrange an appointment OR feel free to give us a call for a no obligation chat about your requirements – 01623 753 654. 

Number of Employees

@ £47.50 + VAT

£47.50+ VAT

At Your Venue

East Midlands Area Only

This service is limited to the testing and training of close-fitting reusable, close-fitting half masks (Personal Respiratory Protection) only, this being governed by the approved ‘Qualitive Testing’ method which we use.


Feel free to give us a call for a no obligation chat about your requirements – 01623 753 654. 

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Why Choose Us

Free Service

Fixed Fee Service

We pride ourselves on providing comprehensive, no nonsense services at an agreed fixed fee sensible price.


Accreditation Specialists

Our dedicated Consultants are fully insured professionally qualified Health and Safety Specialists and are registered with IOSH; and as such adhere to the Continuous Professional Development programme.

National Coverage

Nationwide Coverage

We work with clients across the length and breadth of the UK and in a diverse spectrum of industry sectors.


Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

In the unlikely event you do not achieve your SSIP accreditation and you have fully complied with our guidance and advice we will give a full refund of the fees you have paid to us.


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